
Accelerating Innovation in State and Local Government
Recent investments in clean energy R&D have led to remarkable innovations in clean energy technologies. But in order to fully realize the promise of climate-protective scientific and technological innovation, we also need climate-protective policy innovation: we need to know which regulations and policies will most effectively support the deployment of clean energy technologies and their widespread adoption by individuals, firms, and communities.
Although there is an emerging body of research evaluating the efficacy of policies that subsidize the production of clean energy, tax the production of dirty energy, and encourage reductions in energy use, there are many more policies that have not been evaluated for efficacy. State and local policies that would accelerate the siting and building of clean energy and transmission infrastructure projects, while reducing the incidence of local conflicts over these projects, are of particular interest.
In partnership with The Conversation and Sage, the Social Science Research Council’s Agenda Fund hosted an important conversation with leading social and behavioral scientists and climate policy leaders to develop a potential research agenda for climate-protective policy innovation.
In partnership with the 86 campuses in the SSRC’s College and University Fund for the Social Sciences, and the policy and philanthropic communities, we are continuing to explore the potential to develop, test, and implement policy interventions that advance climate-protective policy innovation.
Accelerating Climate-Protective Policy Innovation
Incubating Policy Innovation Research Partnerships
Building Government Innovation Research Capacity
Supporting Policy Innovation Labs
Measuring the Social Returns to Government Innovation
Accelerating Climate-Protective Policy Innovation